How to get a product

The easiest way to create a new product is to replicate the existing sample, or by using the model of the product you want in a large number of copies.According to your sample we create a tool for copying items to your need.

If you do not have a sample, it is necessary to create a model. Simple forms: flat plates, square / rectangular profiles and the like can be created without 3D modeling. A precise plan or sketch would do.

If the product which you need has a complicate forms, it is necessary to create a 3D model using 3D modelling software. We offer you the service of the 3D modelling according to your technical / aesthetic requirements, or use your 3D model, if you have one.

According to this software 3D model, we make a working model of the CNC milling machine. That way a master is made, to be used for making tools / molds, after which we can create standard product according to your need.

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